Cock’s Foot

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Cock’s Foot

Common name: Cock’s foot
Latin: Dactylis glomerta Family:

1. Flowering period:May onwards
2. Height: 15-141cm Infloresence: green and purple toned panicles
3. Habitat: Meadows, Farmland verges,wasteground,roadsides&orchards
4. Status:
5. Biomap:



Location : Greystones,Mill Road Shoreline


The photo here is taken in a meadow I started with people in Greystones and a local sports center who donated their land for the project.

Wildlife relationships:

Dactylis is a genus of Eurasian and North African plants in the bluegrass subfamily within the grass family. They are known in English as cock’s-foot or cocksfoot grasses, also sometimes as orchard grasses.

Dactylis species are perennial grasses, forming dense tussocks growing to 15–140 centimetres tall, with leaves 20–50 cm long and up to 1.5 cm broad, and distinctive tufted triangular flowerheads comprising a panicle 10–15 cm long, turning pale grey-brown at seed maturity. The spikelets are 5–9 mm long, typically containing two to five flowers. The stems have a flattened base, which distinguishes them from many other grasses.

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