Common name: Green -veined White Latin:Pieris napi Family: Pieridae 1. Season: March- October 2. Wingspan:5cm 3. Larvae foodplant:Garlic mustard & wild cabbage family 4. Status: common throughout Ireland 5. Biomap Link:https://maps.biodiversityireland.ie/Species/77545
Common name: Peacock 1. Season: March-October 2. Wingspan:6cm 3. Larval foodplant: Nettle 4. Status: common throughout Ireland 5. Biomap Link:https://maps.biodiversityireland.ie/Species/77379
Common name: Peacock 1. Season: March-September 2. Wingspan:6cm 3. Larvae foodplant: Nettle 4. Status: common throughout Ireland 5. Biomap Link:https://maps.biodiversityireland.ie/Species/77279
Common name: Peacock 1. Season: March-October 2. Wingspan:6cm 3. Larval foodplant: Nettle 4. Status: common throughout Ireland 5. Biomap Link:https://maps.biodiversityireland.ie/Species/77379
Common name : St. Mark’s Fly Latin: Bibio marci Family:
- Season: Spring StMark,s day 25th April
- Size: 10-15mm
- Larval Food: Breeds in soil and rotting vegetation
- Status : Most of europe
- Biomap: