Common name: Cuckoo Flower – Lady’s Smock
Latin: Cardamine pratensis Family: Brassicaceae
- Flowering period: Apr-Jun
- Height: 50cm Flowers:12-20mm 4 petals
- Habitat: Damp meadows and grasslands.
- Status: Widespread
- Biomap: Click here for Biomap
Common name: Cuckoo Flower – Lady’s Smock
Latin: Cardamine pratensis Family: Brassicaceae
Location : Shoreline Meadow Left Bank near streamline.24 April
Wildlife relationships: Surrounded by Dandelion, Plantain, Speedwell and various grasses in the wetter part of the Meadow bank. This proves that when you leave a field alone cut back in the previous winter and let grow certain dormant seeds will come back. It was such a joy to see this flower come up. This was part of a project i undertook with the Local Tidy towns group and Shoreline to transform a cut bank into a wildlife supporting bank . I really wasnt expecting this flower in the first year. I would travel down once a week to see what grew and what insects were present. In total over 40 species of flower were recorded and I would estimate grasses to be at around 25 different species. These are recorded on this website with the Tag Shoreline.
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