
  • Common name :  Orange -Tail Mining bee Latin:  Andrena (Trachandrena) haemorrhoa      Family:  Andrena
    1. Flight period: univoltine, March-July
    2. Size: 8-10mm female, 7-9.5 mm male
    3. Nesting habits: Dead wood cavity in walls, bee hotels in hollow sticks.
    4. Status : common south and east coast
    5. Biodata Link: External Link To Biodata
  • Common name :  Honey Bee Latin: Apis mellifera      Family:  Apis
    1. Flight period: March – November
    2. Size:10-11mm -queen, 9-1omm- worker 12-13.5 male
    3. Nesting habits: Hollow trees, roof nests
    4. Status : widespread but disappearing
    5. Biodata Link: External Link To Biodata
  • Common name :  Red-Tailed Bumble bee Latin:  Bombus lapidarius     Family:  Bombus
    1. Flight period: Mid Feb – Oct
    2. Size:17mm queen, 12mm worker & male
    3. Nesting habits: underground
    4. Status : widespread in Ireland- near threatened
    5. Biodata Link: External Link To Biodata
  • Common name :  White -Tailed Bumble bee Latin:  Bombus lucorum     Family:  Bombus
    1. Flight period: Jan – Dec
    2. Size:16mm queen, 12mm worker,14mm male
    3. Nesting habits: underground in old rodent burrows
    4. Status : widespread in Ireland
    5. Biodata Link: External Link To Biodata
  • Common name :  Early Bumble Bee Latin:  Bombus pratorum      Family:  Bombus
    1. Flight period: Mid June – early Sept
    2. Size:13mm queen, 10mm worker & male
    3. Nesting habits: Holes in trees,underground, in vegetation.
    4. Status : widespread
    5. Biodata Link: External Link To Biodata
  • Common name :  Patch work leafcutter bee Latin:   Megachile Centuncularis       Family:  Megachile
    1. Flight period: Mid June – early Sept
    2. Size: 7-8.5mm female, 7-8mm male
    3. Nesting habits: Dead wood cavity in walls, bee hotels in hollow sticks.
    4. Status : rare threatened species :Near threatened
    5. Biodata Link: External Link To Biodata
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