
  • Common name: Ash Latin: Fraxinus excelsior  Family: 1. Flowering period: April-May 2. Height: 45m Flowers:May / Ash  keys tr 3. Habitat: Woodland, Hedges, openland 4. Status: Common -in threat of mycotoxin 5. Biomap: Click here for Biomap
  • Common name: Pendunculate Oak Latin: Quercus robur  Family: 1. Flowering period: May Catkins 2. Height: 40m Flowers:May / Acorns 2cm long autumn 3. Habitat: Woodland, Field margins, 4. Status: Low cover in ireland 5. Biomap: Click here for Biomap
  • Common name: Goat Willow Latin: Salix Caprea  Family: 1. Flowering period: April-May 2. Height: 10m 3. Habitat: Edges of Woodland, Hedges, wet ground 4. Status: Common 5. Biomap:
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